About Me

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I am...a Christian, a wife, a "mother" to one Boston Terrier/Chihuahua mix dog, a wine lover, a high heel enthusiast and a raging BAMA fan!!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Change is good...

Change is good every once in a while.  Such as the case with this blog.  It seems dear readers (all two of you - shout out to Katie and Colleen!) that keeping this somewhat as a journal and having support along the way has really helped me out.  I'm three weigh-ins away from LifeTime Member Status, but still want to lose 10-15 more pounds.  But in the meantime, other things may strike me that I want to talk about on here.  Things like the funny things that "only happen to us" and my wonderful family and exciting things that happen with them.  Or home decorating and major home projects we want to show off.  Even eventually (NOT YET so don't get your hopes up people) talking about a little Webblett being on the way!

I got to thinking...does that mean I need to change the title of my blog?  A blog that I have tried to brand for almost a year now as being weight-loss centered?  The answer is no.  Because life itself is all about those Slim Pickings we have in front of us that we use to create these amazing environments for ourselves.  We don't always have the world at our fingertips, whether it's because of money, or time, or problems we're dealing with, but our picks for how we get through this adventure are what make it so amazing and fun!  And sometimes those choices are slim and we have to pick the best possible optoin...but that's what makes us grow as people, as husbands or wives, mothers or fathers, strong single women, whoever we are!

I sincerely hope I don't lose any followers...and I promise this will be still majorly about food and recipes I find.  With other fun things thrown in that I hope you will enjoy reading!

It's still the Christmas season and I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  January 3rd starts fresh posts (yes, and weight updates) and fresh ideas!  Hope to see you all back here then!

Enjoy a photo of our home and looking down our street on Christmas morning!  It was breathtaking and beautiful.  What a wonderful treat God blessed us with as we woke up on the day that is meant to celebrate the coming of His Son!  For unto us a child is born...